My 'Petit' Obsession
What comes to your mind when you think of Seaside, New Jersey? Let me guess... the reality show 'Jersey Shore,' people dressed as though they were going to a really trashy club, big crowds, and lots of noise? Yes that is a pretty factual image of what does go on on the infamous boardwalk. That is why I was even more pleasantly surprised to find a place that included such class, style, and cuteness in the middle of this melting pot of tackiness, that is Seaside. The place I am speaking of course is called Le Petit Garage. Like its name, the store is indeed very petite (small). On the other hand, that is what makes it all the more special. From the outside to within the boutique, 'Le Petit' catches the eye in the best way possible. Everything is a spendid view and it caused me immediate joy and excitement. I was overcome with gladness, that I found such an adorable little store in the middle of the most unlikeliest place.If Seaside was a bracelet, then this would be the only charm hanging off of it. As I walked through the store each detail did not go unnoticed. From the jungle green cabinets to a brick wall painted white, everything was absolutely chic. As for the items, well those were fabulous too! My personal favorites were the earrings being shown on an antique platter and the hot pink elephant bracelets. The prices were fair. They weren't too overpriced, but not cheap either. It is okay though, because just browsing around inside was enough to satisfy my fashion hungry pallet. If next time you are in Seaside and you spot a green awning and bright pink shutters, then be glad because you found a boutique that is a gift to the eyes and wallet. You found Le Petit Garage.
Check out there Facebook page for more information!
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